
An introduction to the faith market

An introduction to the faith market

You may have a pick from several gods.
Since god is about faith, different cultures and ages have or have had different faiths.
One god, many gods, false gods, ancient gods, false faith and right faith. Since none of them are definable or detectable it is correct to call them imaginary or illusory. But with no full definition available, and work still going on to sort facts and fiction, it is impossible to totally prove or disprove religion.

Some are seeking a truth in Allah, others in Jahve, which both are Abrahamic middle east religions. There is a more recent spin off religion of Jahve: The Trinity Compound of figures, or the Trinity God

But there are many more…..

Learning methods

Preaching and brainwashing
Many talk about god or gods, some talk to God
Some pray to God
God is mentioned on old scrolls
Some believe that the truth about God is in words, some that God is the word,

Religious rites
Confessions, baptism, confirmation, sacraments, promises and holly days and events

Juridical and political
Some states have a state religion and more or less slack when it comes to what is encouraged and discouraged

Religious Bonding methods

Social pressure and incitement
Family, congregation, society friends, commitments

Economy and workplaces
A market for religious pieces of art, artefacts, books, services, conferences, revival sermons, gifts, collections and tithing, social work and voluntary work

Deterrence and humiliation
Some groups keep files or registers on their members and apply antiquated internal justice like manipulation, expulsion and/or punishment as means for religious upbringing and education.

Threats and fear
Threats about perdition or burning, painful hell
Life threats and Terror against abortion clinics and their staff. Harassment and assaults on particular targets, like gays and transgender.
Some groups even sacrifice themselves in random attacks on public places to spread their message, to stop what they call evil, false, faithless, or whatever reason they use.

Positive reinforcement
Some actually preach peacefully, but seemingly get less attention.
Humanitarian work
Charity and missions
Forgiveness and mercy

Why you should careful with faith:

Faith is usually based on antiquated logics, or no logic at all.

God never show up in personal to explain or excuse his acts, or absence of acts

God usually demands to be believed, worshipped and accepted for whatever whims he has. What makes it even more hard  is the absence of proof.

Gods usually keep a very totalitarian profile. They make the rules, judges and executes alone and without mercy. and the followers on earth tend to copy their god’s autocratic regime

God cannot be understood
Cannot be seen or sensed in any way
No definition exist
No generally accepted proof or counter proof

Effect of god

No observable acts of god
No verifiable miracles
Dubious claims of miracles

God's help

No visible response to prayer
No receipt message
No healing by prayer
No help in crises
No socio-economic effect from faith
People who hear god's messages receive psychiatric treatment
People who talk to god in public places are regarded as deviant and queer


Confession, atonement
Behavioural change requirements
Role models, work on being like somebody else
To sum it up: You cannot be good enough being yourself


You cannot count on God as we can count on the laws of nature.
God cannot be used to anything practical like you can rely on your neighbour or your friend


Faith makes you vulnerable to manipulation, suppression and economic exploitation
Churches and religious leaders can make a fortune on their followers
Unpaid work
Petitions and collect

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