
The gods of our fathers

Atheists are frequently demanded a proof that God does not exist. We cannot disprove something we cannot define and know, but we can possibly take the opposite approach to prove what we know and where the concept of God comes from and what has led to the present day theologies.

The Trinity God is a rather new concepts which seems to stem from the Church council of Nicaea, though the idea may have existed before that, but it was apparently not in the Jewish teachings.
The first church council in Nicaea

So it is not the same God as the Jews believed in. We can dismiss the trinity God because of very recent theology with a very human origin.

Jahve and Allah may be two names on the same concept. The origin of those are to some extent known and accepted facts. Allah are so recent that there are written references. His present theology stems directly from the writings of Mohammed, but the word was used before that as a word for God.
The origin of Allah

So we can dismiss the present Allah as an original God

Judaism based on Jahve may have inspired Mohammed's writing. But even that theological concept is quite recent, and long after The out of Africa migration.

The origin of the God of the Jews

Even that can be dismissed as quite recent theology based on previous beliefs, but unique because it marks a shift from polytheism to monotheism.

So polytheism seems to be more original and stem from a very primitive belief in powers we cannot understand. It may be seen as forces of nature.

The nature of deities reveals the belief in the mysteries of nature

Forces of nature are not necessarily devine forces, but it is exactly what science is about!

It is possible to prove that the types of God most people believe in and make their theologies about is nothing but concepts handed over from history of human cultures.

The fabric of theology

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