
The fabric of theology

This blog post is not going to question the existence of God. I will discuss the stuff belief in God is made of.

The theology, but not any particular theology.

Religious belief (and sometimes also social or political belief) is a susceptibility in your mind to accept something out of trust rather than out of convincing research and testing. So belief is a potential risk of serious misinformation.

The guard of scepticism is set to accept rather than protect. Religious teaching itself will often have many exercises in how to take down your own defence against the same teaching.

If you believe in God you may have some literature, like the Bible or the Curran, or alternatively a religious leader that tells you what you have to believe.

Typically the scripts or the authority you believe in will tell stories which cannot be confirmed by reliable sources. Sometimes such stories are about miracles in the past which never seem to possibly happen today.

If that is the case with your belief, maybe you would be better off with a lot more scepticism to protect you from spending your life, time and energy on it.

Scepticism is the best protection against lies served you as truths. It may literally uncage your mind.

That is basically it! Everybody has to do their own research. Everybody has to find their own inner sceptic.

The God of our fathers. A review of how the God concept has changed

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