
The Nornes in Norse Mythology

The Norse polytheism is not a theology, it is fables, or philosophy about life.

Urd's quell is guarded the three nornes Wyrð (value, destiny or potential), Verdande (what is to come) and Skuld (liability or unsettled). This quell is located in the middle of Aasgaard, the yard of the Aesirs, the gods. The tree of life, Yggdrasil has its first root at this quell.

They twine  the fates and heals the need as best they can.  (Old Norse need, or nið means "desire to get some fulfillment: honour, respect or revenge")

The nornes know what lies in the destiny for gods and men. They know all the intricate connections between the past and the future and the events in the world, but they have limited means to change the fate. they can only sooth the tree of life and its inhabitants.

Eventually the nornes will guard the tree of life through the final Ragnarok. Only they know how, or if it will survive.

The tree is the symbol of all which goes on in the universe. It is the connection between everything and everyone. The tree is the weave the nornes are spinning.


Lilith as Part of the Christian Belief.

In the bible there are only few traces left of this mythical creature. It seems as if she has been more and more edited out of the modern translations. She was mentioned in early translations, though.

The most probable reason for editing her out is the probability that she is a mythical figure only.

This may be a modern theological view based on the fact that she, more than many of the other figures in the bible appears in so many different religions regarded as heathen religions. For the credibility of the bible this may be vise decision.

However it undermines the credibility of the old sacred scripts as Devine in their origin that they can be tampered according to more modern understanding. From a scientific point of view it is totally legit.

In Genesis 3, 1 the snake is identified as the most cunning of beasts, making a reference to the possibility that the serpent, often associated with Lucifer might have been Lilith.

Deuteronomy 27, 21 curses the one who sleeps with a beast. In some explanation this is understood as the beast Lilith who is believed ride men at night when they have nocturnal emission. It may be rather far fetched, but the view upon masturbation may have had its origin in rather wage bible quotes.





Relief sculpture from Notre Dame, Paris Adam Lilith and Eva. Left portal West facade 1210 CE

Lilith, goddess, Fallen Angel or the First Wife of Adam

The first we know about Lilith is from old Sumerian carvings, but she is a cult figure in more than hundred different religions. She is commonly depicted with wings, like an angel.

In the oldest mythologies she is a Goddess and in later stories she is demonized. Lilith is a motherless form of the divine feminine even known to some as Adam's 1st wife.

As the embodiment of the neglected, outcast and rejected aspects of the Great Goddess she calls women to rise up in strength to reclaim their own divinity. - Art: Lilith Rising

She has become the symbol of modern liberated women. Quite fitting perhaps, as the good society in the beginning saw the women's liberation as a rise against the natural order, very much the way the Jewish rabbis viewed Lilith.

Lilith is the primal feminine aspect of dark sexuality. She is the mythological first wife of Adam who refused to be subservient to Adam's authority and had a preference for being "on top". In a rage she spread her wings and flew away from the garden of Eden.

She has often been demonized as a vampiric succubus, stealing the lives of children and seducing, and riding men in the night, causing nocturnal emission.

In the myths she is often associated with the owl as in the picture above. Among others mentioned in the bible as a screeching owl Isaiah 34, 14

The Jewish scholars believed that the Law and the Talmud was told directly from God's mouth. Unlike the translators of the bible, they were not allowed to edit the scripts.

When Lilith was mentioned together with Adam as his wife in the first creation in Genesis 1, 26 they needed an explanation for how Eva seems to appear in the second creation story in Genesis 2, 4-25 (ref www.leighb.com/genesis.htm )

The most common explanation was this Lilith was Adam's 1. wife. There were no exact reference to why Lilith was dismissed, but they assumed she opposed to be dominated.

Other, even more vaguely explained Lilith as Adam's spirit wife. However the most down to earth claim is that Lilith was from the earth at the same time as Adam. This made Lilith Adam's equal. Lilith refused to lie on her back while Adam took the dominant position in sex (missionary style).

Lilith believed that they should make love as equals. Adam wanted his wife to be submissive, and Lilith left the Garden. God made Eve from Adams rib, so that she would obey him.

Posted via Blogaway


What about Religion?

We are not yet where we totally exclude God as a phenomenon. An exclusion proof is extremely difficult.

But we have, however, for quite a while been able to conclude that the wholly scripts the major religions are funded upon come from various and dubious sources. They are made by people who believe they know something. But their conclusions are very often proved wrong

For the bible there are a lot of issues both with translation, and with how and by whom the scripts were assembled and chosen.

For the Curran only the original Arab text is canonized, but the origin is equally obscure.

There is no religious script which can be proven to come from more than faulty human writers.

Posted via Blogaway


Aujourd'hui tous le monde sont parisiens

Today we are all Parisians!

We are not as barbaric as the religious zealots calling upon Allah as they murder in some sort of wholly wrath no civilized society can accept.

Paris is crying as they try to recover from the terror assault last night. Nobody can fully protect themselves from civil underground attacks. My heart is with the Parisians!

While still in grief I hope we shall be able to hammer one message through to  future terrorists and to any zealous activist:

"We are not as barbaric as you! We behave civilised, even when we are angered. Democracy is a thousand times more valuable theocracy!"


FB vs Tsū issue

Seems like FB blocks links directly from Tsū community. I'm trying this as a work around


Semipermanente boliger som fleksible løsninger på umiddelbare behov.

Konseptet semipermanente boliger har mange negative assosiasjoner, som slum eller ghetto, men som bildene viser er det mulig å lage kvalitetsmessig design.

Potensielle bruksområder:
Bolig for flyktninger
Bolig for eldre
Bolig for studenter

Samfunnsøkonomiske aspekter:
-Sysselsetting av arbeidsledige.
-Mulig å produsere ved videregående skoler av studenter i byggfag.
-Bosetting av personer med spesielle behov.
-Tomteareal er mulig å senere gjenvinne til landbruksareal eller annen bruk.

Små boliger har tildels blitt trendy og symbol på miljømessig og bærekraftig bosetting.

Link til eksempel på ultrakompakt bolig

De gir fullverdig bolig til en pris rundt kr 100 000 + areal kostnader. De han flyttes dersom behovene skulle endres eller områdene skal omreguleres.

De kan produseres hurtig og gi bolig til mange mennesker i et fortettet urbant miljø. De er tilstrekkelig fleksible til å kunne eksperimentere med ulike oppsett med stabling opp til tre etasjer.

De kan utføres som arkitektoniske mesterstykker.

Norge står foran fremtidige utfordringer som vi ikke egentlig kjenner i dag.

-Klimatiske forandringer
-Økonomiske innstillinger

Små, modul-baserte boliger kan være en av løsningene på noen av utfordringene.