
Lilith as Part of the Christian Belief.

In the bible there are only few traces left of this mythical creature. It seems as if she has been more and more edited out of the modern translations. She was mentioned in early translations, though.

The most probable reason for editing her out is the probability that she is a mythical figure only.

This may be a modern theological view based on the fact that she, more than many of the other figures in the bible appears in so many different religions regarded as heathen religions. For the credibility of the bible this may be vise decision.

However it undermines the credibility of the old sacred scripts as Devine in their origin that they can be tampered according to more modern understanding. From a scientific point of view it is totally legit.

In Genesis 3, 1 the snake is identified as the most cunning of beasts, making a reference to the possibility that the serpent, often associated with Lucifer might have been Lilith.

Deuteronomy 27, 21 curses the one who sleeps with a beast. In some explanation this is understood as the beast Lilith who is believed ride men at night when they have nocturnal emission. It may be rather far fetched, but the view upon masturbation may have had its origin in rather wage bible quotes.





Relief sculpture from Notre Dame, Paris Adam Lilith and Eva. Left portal West facade 1210 CE

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