Marina am Schilf, Lübeck
Houseboat for sale
Winter isolation with rockwool
Solar panels and 5kwh powerbank with inverter for offgrid options from May-September.
Propulsion: Twin Mercury SeaPro gazoline 40hp, bow and stern thrusters from Sleipner. Thrusters can be lifted out of the water when the boat is used for accommodation.
Steering wheel, joystick and remote control on rear deck. Bow camera for bow vision. 2 x 50l main gasoline tanks + 2 x 30 l switchable reserve tanks in addition to 5 x 20l plastic jerry tanks for refill.
Boat data:
L.o.a.: 13 m (42.6 ft)
L.o.wl.: 11 m (36 ft)
Beam: 3. 2 m (10.5 ft
Approx. 30 m² living area.
Displacement: #14 tonnes
Hull material: concrete exterior, rockwool and mdf interior
Deck material: Mdf, wood/rockwool. plaster.
Windows: double layer tempered glass (4mm)
Halmstad, Sweden
The boat is designed for year round onboard living for single, or pair, and has been used for that since she was built. There is a hardtop rooftop tent of the type Maggiolina which can be used as guest accommodation in the summer. The sitting group in the cabin can be made into a double bed. The solar panels can be raised to make a sort of shaded flybridge. The pilot seat can be removed and the space on the rear deck can comfortably seat at least 4 persons.
Interior captured with CCTV
Inside is a pantry part, one bathroom, an open sleeping part and a sitting room part. The sleeping part is separated from the sitting room part in night with the bed cover which is pulled up to hang as a curtain for more privacy.
The toilet has magnet doors, a camping toilet, shower and a sink with work bench. The toilet and the water tap system have undergone développement and is now preferred for ease of off-grid use but also for disposal without the need for special sewage deposits.
Main sitting group
Gasoline can be filled from marine gas stations or from car gasoline stations whatever is easiest available.
All of the construction materials are selected for easy maintenance with articles available through ordinary hardware shops for home and gardening. The same materials can be used for repair and maintenance. Detailed descriptions and colour codes are available.
The 220V electric system is equipped with Google Home smart home gear with apps and voice control. The 12V system runs for the boat electric system, but is also available inside for backup. There are 3x12 V batteries and two batteries for the 24V stern thruster.
The TV can be turned and watched from both sitting group and the bed.History:
The boat was registered as a houseboat in the Norwegian Small Boat Register: ABW 225, in 2020. It was launched on sea in May that year.
Since then the boat has continuously undergone improvements and modifications, for better accommodation and sometimes for better navigation.
It is constructed for inland and coastal waters, but with some regards to the weather and wave forecasts the boat has been taken along the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish coast before it entered the German river Trave the summer 2024.
Experience tells that it rolls a lot in side waves and for comfort reasons one should not go out with wave forecasts of more than 60 cm. The boat is probably unsinkable with the fenders along the sides, but the point of gravity and the point of buoyancy are so near each other that the rolling will be extremely uncomfortable. Also the freeboard is too low for a seafaring vessel. If given an EC classification of seaworthiness it would be class C, which is rather good for a houseboat, but limiting for a modern leisure boat of that size.
On EC classification:
Leisure boats must have an EC classification. Otherwise it cannot legally be sold inside EU until after 5 years of use, however there is no such demands for classification when it comes to small houseboats. Sif falls in an unregulated niche. However according to the EC classification it can in any case be sold after 5 years of real use.
Sif has shown her ability and limitation on the waters of Skagerrak and Kattegat, but the conclusion is that such waters are beyond the ideal. She is ideal on inland rivers and canals in Europe where minute control of the boat is more important than harsh weather recilience. As a houseboat, however, she is able to resist the extreme weather we expect to see increasingly with global warming because she has been tested in open sea.
On land in Öckerö Sweden