
The Surreal Christian Theology

Do you think theology is difficult?

Imagine a parallel World where you are a tourist for a lifetime.

Many inhabitants worship parallel superheroes. They do everything they can to make other inhabitants worship the same superheroes.

The superheroes are more or less omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing and eternal.

They deliberately hide themselves from every human attempt to establish any facts about them.

They use one single book to make themselves known. There are competing books and the followers have to decide which book they shall validate.

People have to decide on which book is true and which other books are false. The population are without objective clues to guide them. 

One superhero is "lust liar"  and do what he can to lead the population to a wrong decision.

The "good" superhero is a three-headed character.  It is called the Trinity Compound

One head is a human charity character.

Another head is a terrible force which will kill humans who see it's face, as well as all the people who don't see its face and fails to see it's great super character.  They can only be saved by praying to the human charity character.

The third head is an invisible ghost character which has done one single act once upon a time: It impregnated a woman with the genes of the terrible head to make the human charity head.

How would you resonate to make a decent choice?