
HiddenPower Electric conversion kit for Brompton bicycles

Two kits were boughtfor our brompton bicycles. Already on the second engine i ran into trouble and had to contact the dealer at
They could inform that from my discription there semed to be afaulty controller as well, so they offered to supply two new sets for me, and shipping the first ones back

I have found little stuff online about the HiddenPower engine for the European Standard:
EN 15194.
Link discussing the European standard vs other

The Conversion kit comes with a PAS contoller, pedelec. The set will originally be connected correct, but it may be switched to throttle control in the throttle itself:
Connection chart for HiddenPower throttle

The engine itself is compact, simple and practically without maintenance components. There are bearings in the roller and there are a transmission belt in the unit. Because of a faulty assembled engine I got the chance to look inside it.

There is a magnetic kernel inside an electric coil. The magnetic kernel is the moving part in the engine. It is supported by a ring, semingly made of brass. The transmissionbelt is hidden inside the black transmissionarm, not visible in the pix supplied. I bought two exemplaries and one of them was possible to pull appart like shown. On contact with hjyim@hiddenpower.eu I was offered a new engine instad of trying to glue it together.

The Engine hub, even now when it is loose is held together by strong magnetic power. The black unit on the picture is what actually is the engine. The rest is just a decoration cover and a tension ring to keep the unit in contact with the wheel. A lid covers the electric chords from the engine and secure it from sliding sideways.

The fastening brackets is what makes it adaptable to almost any bicycle. It will differ according to model and brand.

The controller chords and the engine chords are unmarked, but the logic seems to be to connect the two middle chords and try to find the correct direction of rotation by changing between the other two chords.

HiddenPower Electric conversion kit for Brompton bicycles

Two kits were boughtfor our brompton bicycles. Already on the second engine i ran into trouble and had to contact the dealer at
They could inform that from my discription there semed to be afaulty controller as well, so they offered to supply two new sets for me, and shipping the first ones back

I have found little stuff online about the HiddenPower engine for the European Standard:
EN 15194.
Link discussing the European standard vs other

The Conversion kit comes with a PAS contoller, pedelec. The set will originally be connected correct, but it may be switched to throttle control in the throttle itself:
Connection chart for HiddenPower throttle

The engine itself is compact, simple and practically without maintenance components. There are bearings in the roller and there are a transmission belt in the unit. Because of a faulty assembled engine I got the chance to look inside it.

There is a magnetic kernel inside an electric coil. The magnetic kernel is the moving part in the engine. It is supported by a ring, semingly made of brass. The transmissionbelt is hidden inside the black transmissionarm, not visible in the pix supplied. I bought two exemplaries and one of them was possible to pull appart like shown. On contact with hjyim@hiddenpower.eu I was offered a new engine instad of trying to glue it together.

The Engine hub, even now when it is loose is held together by strong magnetic power. The black unit on the picture is what actually is the engine. The rest is just a decoration cover and a tension ring to keep the unit in contact with the wheel. A lid covers the electric chords from the engine and secure it from sliding sideways.

The fastening brackets is what makes it adaptable to almost any bicycle. It will differ according to model and brand.

The controller chords and the engine chords are unmarked, but the logic seems to be to connect the two middle chords and try to find the correct direction of rotation by changing between the other two chords.


Leilighet Meierigaten 26, Bryne

Leilighet i sokkeletasje midt i Bryne sentrum. Leiligheten har stått tom etter nyttår på grunn av oppussing i etajen over. Huseier har selv benyttet fasilitetene i leiligheten.

Det er utført brannisolerende skille mellom etasjene. Det er en dør fra leiligheten inn mot trappegang opp til hovedenheten. Denne døren er brannisolert og skal holdes låst når leiligheten er i bruk.

Leiligheten er på ca 85 kvadratmeter og passer som familiebolig eller bokollektiv.

Adresse er: U 0101 Meierigaten 26, 4340 Bryne.

Beliggende ved M44 og Brynesenteret.

Grave- og støpearbeid pågår i øyeblikket for å utvide parkeringsplass til totalt 8 parkeringsplasser.

Huset er fra ca 1970 og leiligheten var fram til for 5 år siden brukt som Fysikalsk Klinikk.

Det er en overbygget terrasseplass utenfor inngangsdøren.

Inngangsparti og leiligheten er på et plan.

Leiligheten har vindfang og god gangplass.

Toalt har leilgheten tre godkjente soverom.

Pluss ett rom som mangler godkjenning som soverom dersom det ikke ordnes med godkjent rømningsvei. Dette rommet er benevnt som disponibelt allrom, men kan etter leietakers ønske utstyres med trinn på vegg for å oppnå nødvendig godkjenning for rømning.

Et soverom har en fasong som gjorde det nødvendig å bygge seng inn konstruksjonen. Det er en madrass på 120cm x 200cm

Et soverom har atkomst fra allrom.

Allrom, kjøkken og gang henger sammen i en åpen løsning. Oppvarming foregår med varmepumpe og mulighet for vedfyring.

Det er et bad med kombinasjon dusj, toalett og vakebenk.

Det er i tillegg et lite ekstra toalett.

Og et lite vaskerom.

Radon måling gjort i 2014 viser verdier på 70 og 50 BQ/m2  i hhv soverom og allrom. Begge deler er langt under grenseverdiene.